Missing: Ajia Richardson May 20
Found: June 2
Colony Farm past -- present -- future
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Thursday, December 05, 2019
1921 Essondale Census
1921 B.C. District 16 Fraser Valley
Sub District: 22 Chilliwack
Essondale - Provincial Mental hospital.
Links to Federal goverment census pages....
page 1: Staff
page 2: Staff & Patients
page 3: Patients & Staff
page 4: Staff & Patients:
page 5: Patients
page 6: Patients: Adachi - Anderson
page 7: Patients: Anderson - Bonnett
page 8: Patients: Boomer - Colquette
page 9: Patients: Cook - Donnelly
page 10: Patients: Donohhue - Glenn
page 11 : Patients: Gobert - Hogarth
page 12: Patients: Hoidge - Knight
page 13: Patients: Knowles - McLean
page 14 : Patients: McWilliam - Norman
page 15: Patients: Nystrom - Puillandre
page 16 : Patients: Pulford - Simone
page 17: Patients: Simmons - Taylor
page 18: Patients: Taylor - Willsi? Reginald
page 19: Patients: Wilson - Zorich -- STAFF -- Bell - Emory
page 20: Patients: Erickson - Zoulander: Staff: Colony Farm
page 21 : Staff: Colony Farm
Total 941 males 67 females 1008 grand total
A 1921 Directory listing of people in the Essondale area, not necessarily people who live, and work at Essondale.
Sub District: 22 Chilliwack
Essondale - Provincial Mental hospital.
Links to Federal goverment census pages....
page 1: Staff
page 2: Staff & Patients
page 3: Patients & Staff
page 4: Staff & Patients:
page 5: Patients
page 6: Patients: Adachi - Anderson
page 7: Patients: Anderson - Bonnett
page 8: Patients: Boomer - Colquette
page 9: Patients: Cook - Donnelly
page 10: Patients: Donohhue - Glenn
page 11 : Patients: Gobert - Hogarth
page 12: Patients: Hoidge - Knight
page 13: Patients: Knowles - McLean
page 14 : Patients: McWilliam - Norman
page 15: Patients: Nystrom - Puillandre
page 16 : Patients: Pulford - Simone
page 17: Patients: Simmons - Taylor
page 18: Patients: Taylor - Willsi? Reginald
page 19: Patients: Wilson - Zorich -- STAFF -- Bell - Emory
page 20: Patients: Erickson - Zoulander: Staff: Colony Farm
page 21 : Staff: Colony Farm
Total 941 males 67 females 1008 grand total
A 1921 Directory listing of people in the Essondale area, not necessarily people who live, and work at Essondale.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Missing patient
Missing patient Adam Yuan Gorges
Day pass not a free pass for psych patientsHow could patients be given a day pass from the psychiatric hospital in Coquitlam if they are a risk to the public?
He has been found: The 29 year old Male Reported Missing Has Been Located
"Leave them alone, and they will come home wagging their tails behind them"
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Missing Forensic patient
Coquitlam RCMP look for psych patient
Police say 50-year-old unlawfully at large after failing to return from day pass to forensic psychiatric hospital
RCMP looking for Christopher Askey
UPDATE: Christopher Askey has been found , safe and okay
Police say 50-year-old unlawfully at large after failing to return from day pass to forensic psychiatric hospital
RCMP looking for Christopher Askey
Christopher Askey
UPDATE: Christopher Askey has been found , safe and okay
Friday, February 01, 2019
Another fine for the Forensic hospital
They had a 200,000 fine in 2016 and now another much larger fine:
Forensic psych hospital hit with max fine
A $646K penalty levied for assault incidents at Coquitlam facility
I can remember chatting with some staff from this hospital, and they were always worried about the situations that occurred at the Forensic hospital. Sadly it appears the management has not been able to aleviate the ongoing issues.
Forensic psych hospital hit with max fine
A $646K penalty levied for assault incidents at Coquitlam facility
I can remember chatting with some staff from this hospital, and they were always worried about the situations that occurred at the Forensic hospital. Sadly it appears the management has not been able to aleviate the ongoing issues.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Pete H. Moore
Found these two photographs at the Vancouver Archives,
This fellow was Pete H. Moore, who was the manager of Colony Farm from 1917 until 1948 when he retired. He was a very progressive farmer, the right man, for the right job.
His real name was Percy Homer Moore
( Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia 15 October 1883 - 18 December 1959 New Westminster )
This fellow was Pete H. Moore, who was the manager of Colony Farm from 1917 until 1948 when he retired. He was a very progressive farmer, the right man, for the right job.
His real name was Percy Homer Moore
( Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia 15 October 1883 - 18 December 1959 New Westminster )
Saturday, October 08, 2016
large fine for Forensic Hospital
Long time saga of the staff at the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital being victimised, has finally resulted in a large fine from the Workers Compensation Board ( WCB ).
WCB fines Coquitlam psychiatric facility nearly $200,000 for unsafe conditions.
Will be interesting to see if this large fine has any effects on the procedures presently in use at this facility.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Two missing patients
This fellow was previously at Colony farm, but escaped from less secure surroundings on the Riverview Hospital grounds.
No.1: February 10, 2016 David Fomradas was reported on an unauthorized absence from a Forensic Psychiatric Services housing program located on the Riverview lands in Coquitlam, BC.
Mr. Fomradas is described as:
Caucasian male
38 years old
5'11" tall
156 lbs
Blue eyes
Long light brown hair
Moustache and beard.
Clothing Description:
Dark grey pants
Brown sweater
Black jacket
Hat or toque (unknown colour).
Fomradas has the potential for violence when not on his medication.
Not the first time this fellow has walked away:
Psych patient on the run from lawsuit
A mentally-ill man who crashed a hijacked car and injured a Vancouver actress is being sued by his victims.
Blogged about these events before
Evidently a much tighter rein was needed with this fellow. They will be making movies about this fellow before we know it.
No. 2: On February 12th, 2016, Violet Miharija was reported as an unauthorized absence from the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam. Violet Miharija is now wanted on a Canada wide warrant for being unlawfully at large.
Violet Miharija is described as:
41 year-old female
5’2’’ tall,
178 lbs
Dark brown shoulder length hair
Violet was last seen wearing a green sweatshirt, green sweatpants and white running shoes.
Appears that she has numerous charges laid upon her in the Surrey Court system
No.1: February 10, 2016 David Fomradas was reported on an unauthorized absence from a Forensic Psychiatric Services housing program located on the Riverview lands in Coquitlam, BC.
Mr. Fomradas is described as:
Caucasian male
38 years old
5'11" tall
156 lbs
Blue eyes
Long light brown hair
Moustache and beard.
Clothing Description:
Dark grey pants
Brown sweater
Black jacket
Hat or toque (unknown colour).
Fomradas has the potential for violence when not on his medication.
David Fomradas
Not the first time this fellow has walked away:
Psych patient on the run from lawsuit
A mentally-ill man who crashed a hijacked car and injured a Vancouver actress is being sued by his victims.
Blogged about these events before
Evidently a much tighter rein was needed with this fellow. They will be making movies about this fellow before we know it.
Violet appears to have escaped from the far from secure Forensic Psychiatric Services building at Colony Farm.No. 2: On February 12th, 2016, Violet Miharija was reported as an unauthorized absence from the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam. Violet Miharija is now wanted on a Canada wide warrant for being unlawfully at large.
Violet Miharija is described as:
41 year-old female
5’2’’ tall,
178 lbs
Dark brown shoulder length hair
Violet was last seen wearing a green sweatshirt, green sweatpants and white running shoes.
Violet Miharija
Appears that she has numerous charges laid upon her in the Surrey Court system
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Forensic nurses still under assault
Nurse sucker-punched in face at Coquitlam psychiatric hospital
Incidents of violence against nurses needs to be addressed with better security says union
Ed note: Evidently the money said to be given last August ( see article below) to help lessen these dangers, has not reached the staff:
New measures to boost nurse safety
B.C. nurses and the health ministry collaborate on initiatives to reduce assaults at hospitals, including Forensic in Port Coquitlam.
It appears to be more dangerous to work there than a prison; rarely hear of major issues in the prisons. Not to say that a prison model should be emloyed at the Forensic Hospital, but it is obvious that some of the security concepts need to be in place there to protect the staff.
Incidents of violence against nurses needs to be addressed with better security says union
Ed note: Evidently the money said to be given last August ( see article below) to help lessen these dangers, has not reached the staff:
New measures to boost nurse safety
B.C. nurses and the health ministry collaborate on initiatives to reduce assaults at hospitals, including Forensic in Port Coquitlam.
It appears to be more dangerous to work there than a prison; rarely hear of major issues in the prisons. Not to say that a prison model should be emloyed at the Forensic Hospital, but it is obvious that some of the security concepts need to be in place there to protect the staff.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Allan Schoenborn is granted leave
B.C. man who murdered his three children wins escorted outings
Allan Schoenborn has received the B.C. Review Board's approval following his annual hearing as a patient at the province's psychiatric hospital some seven years after he killed his children
Review Board grants Allan Schoenborn escorted leave
Hopefully a good strong leash is used with this fellow.
Province won’t appeal review board’s decision on Schoenborn
Updated: Clarke calls for AG Anton to appeal Schoenborn's day passes; high-risk designation sought.
One day this fellow will probably be released, change his name, and live somewhere else in Canada; hopefully far away from his still suffering, long grieving ex-wife Darcie Clarke
Allan Schoenborn has received the B.C. Review Board's approval following his annual hearing as a patient at the province's psychiatric hospital some seven years after he killed his children
Review Board grants Allan Schoenborn escorted leave
Hopefully a good strong leash is used with this fellow.
Province won’t appeal review board’s decision on Schoenborn
Updated: Clarke calls for AG Anton to appeal Schoenborn's day passes; high-risk designation sought.
One day this fellow will probably be released, change his name, and live somewhere else in Canada; hopefully far away from his still suffering, long grieving ex-wife Darcie Clarke
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Water main construction
Bad enough the oil companies want to trash portions of the farm, see an older posting;
This Water main project to Port Mann, in Surrey, was actually started before the oil pipeline project by Metro Vancouver, and being that it is a government project it grinds along like a glacier; and as usual it ran into problems that required complicated fixes; SEE: Drilling to resume on stalled Metro Vancouver water tunnel for Surrey area
I was sent a report today, created by: Diamond Head Consulting Ltd., entitled:
Arborist Report Portman Main No.2, North, Coquitlam, B.C. updated 19 January 2015 (2869K) PDF. No idea where the name of Portman comes from, should read Port Mann I would think, because that is where this water main is going.
And also a map Portmann Main #2 tree retetnion and removal 19 January 2015 (PDF)
I spelled it the way it was written, so we are getting a little closer to Port Mann, but fail in the spelling of "retention". The last PDF is a map of the areas being impacted by the water main going through the Riverview Hospital property. Another nasty scar slashed through the landscape, from Riverview hospital up near Mariner Way, through Colony Farm, through its critical habitat treed wind-break to go under the Fraser River near the Port Mann bridge, and into Surrey and beyond.
Port Mann is named after Sir Donald Mann and most of the area that we know as, Port Mann was previously known as Bon Accord, prior to the railway yards being built there. A salmon hatchery, and a salmon cannery were once in the area, both named Bon Accord.
The project is part of the Port Mann Water Supply Tunnel read the PDF factsheet
From what I understand the numerous pipelines (gas,oil,water,communications) under the river at this point have had issues with the river exposing them, which places large stesses upon them.
This Water main project to Port Mann, in Surrey, was actually started before the oil pipeline project by Metro Vancouver, and being that it is a government project it grinds along like a glacier; and as usual it ran into problems that required complicated fixes; SEE: Drilling to resume on stalled Metro Vancouver water tunnel for Surrey area
I was sent a report today, created by: Diamond Head Consulting Ltd., entitled:
Arborist Report Portman Main No.2, North, Coquitlam, B.C. updated 19 January 2015 (2869K) PDF. No idea where the name of Portman comes from, should read Port Mann I would think, because that is where this water main is going.
And also a map Portmann Main #2 tree retetnion and removal 19 January 2015 (PDF)
I spelled it the way it was written, so we are getting a little closer to Port Mann, but fail in the spelling of "retention". The last PDF is a map of the areas being impacted by the water main going through the Riverview Hospital property. Another nasty scar slashed through the landscape, from Riverview hospital up near Mariner Way, through Colony Farm, through its critical habitat treed wind-break to go under the Fraser River near the Port Mann bridge, and into Surrey and beyond.
Port Mann is named after Sir Donald Mann and most of the area that we know as, Port Mann was previously known as Bon Accord, prior to the railway yards being built there. A salmon hatchery, and a salmon cannery were once in the area, both named Bon Accord.
The project is part of the Port Mann Water Supply Tunnel read the PDF factsheet
From what I understand the numerous pipelines (gas,oil,water,communications) under the river at this point have had issues with the river exposing them, which places large stesses upon them.
Colony Farm,
Metro Vancouver,
Port Mann,
Riverview Hospital,
Water main
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Sheep Paddock pedestrian trail
As a result of input from the public last year, Metro Vancouver staff are exploring options for a pedestrian only trail section of the Sheep Paddocks trail in Colony Farm Regional Park. This is in addition to the ongoing design work for a combined cyclist and pedestrian trail. You are invited to attend a workshop to discuss the possibility of a pedestrian only option and help identify key aspects of this project.
Date: Wednesday February 4th, 2015 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Royal Canadian Legion – 1025 Ridgeway Ave, Coquitlam
Please rsvp to colonyfarmoutreach@metrovancouver.org by if you plan to attend the workshop.
Please share this invitation widely with your members and friends. Additional information as well as an online questionnaire will be available on the Metro Vancouver website (search ‘Sheep Paddocks Trail’) starting late next week if you are unable to attend the workshop.
Thank you
Jamie Vala, MBCSLA, R.P. Bio
Park Planner , Regional Parks - Central Area
Planning, Policy, and Environment
t. 604.520.6442
Date: Wednesday February 4th, 2015 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Royal Canadian Legion – 1025 Ridgeway Ave, Coquitlam
Please rsvp to colonyfarmoutreach@metrovancouver.org by if you plan to attend the workshop.
Please share this invitation widely with your members and friends. Additional information as well as an online questionnaire will be available on the Metro Vancouver website (search ‘Sheep Paddocks Trail’) starting late next week if you are unable to attend the workshop.
Thank you
Jamie Vala, MBCSLA, R.P. Bio
Park Planner , Regional Parks - Central Area
Planning, Policy, and Environment
t. 604.520.6442
British Columbia,
Colony Farm,
sheep paddock
Saturday, January 03, 2015
Broadmoor and Forensic Psychiatric hospital videos
Came across this rather long video about Broadmoor Hospital in England which is a high security hospital.
Documentary | Inside Britain's Highest Security Psychiatric Hospital
After that we can compare to the offerings from the Forensic Psychiatric hospital, at Colony Farm, and view their videos .
I do not know of any documentaries, written histories of the forensic pyschiatric hospitals in B.C.; there are a few quick summaries, but nothing detailed. I do know that prior to being at Colony farm, they were housed at Essondale, but mostly in Colquitz (1919-1964), for the violent patients, and primarily Oakalla prison (1912-1991) in Burnaby, and also the few other prisons scattered around the province, but they were generally shipped to Oakalla, and then Essondale. Just prior to Colquitz closing, the residents were moved to Colony farm, into the Veterans building, which had been remodelled to house them.
Documentary | Inside Britain's Highest Security Psychiatric Hospital
After that we can compare to the offerings from the Forensic Psychiatric hospital, at Colony Farm, and view their videos .
I do not know of any documentaries, written histories of the forensic pyschiatric hospitals in B.C.; there are a few quick summaries, but nothing detailed. I do know that prior to being at Colony farm, they were housed at Essondale, but mostly in Colquitz (1919-1964), for the violent patients, and primarily Oakalla prison (1912-1991) in Burnaby, and also the few other prisons scattered around the province, but they were generally shipped to Oakalla, and then Essondale. Just prior to Colquitz closing, the residents were moved to Colony farm, into the Veterans building, which had been remodelled to house them.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Eyvon and Linda Townsend, murder
1959 July 31 The Citizen ( Prince George newspaper )
1959 September 4 The Citizen
1959 October 27 Prince George Citizen
So we have these horrific murders done by Richard Alexander Huculak (b. 1924? )Contrary to what the newspapers say, Richard was incarcerated on the 19th of August 1958 to 9 months in the Prince George goal, after being convicted of theft he was moved from there in October to Oakalla prison in Burnaby.
So not that long after his release the murders occurred.
He was remanded in September of 1959 to Oakalla; then in October 1959 taken to Essondale, for assessment. He was found to be insane and was to be kept under strict custody; by 1969 he was allowed to move between Colony Farm and Essondale; but in 1973 dismissed from working at Colony Farm, as incapable of work. In 1977 he was discharged, and in May of 1982 he was given an absolute discharge. I could find no trace of him, after he left the hospital. One of the reports though does list his name with the addition of HOLM in brackets on the end, so possibly he changed his name, which is a common practice
The murdered daughter:
Linda Gwendoline Townsend 29 March 1951 Westlock, Alberta - 30 July 1959
parents Claude Andrew Townsend, ( 1922 – 1996 ) and Violet Doris Eyvon Gower
Linda is buried at the Fruitvale Memorial cemetery
The murdered mother:
Eyvon Violet Doris Gower, Evyon Violet Doris Townsend
b. 23 January 1933 Westlock, Alberta - 30 July 1959 --- Parks, B.C. [ Parks is known today as Parks Siding ]
parents Edward James Gower, and Mildred Price( 1911 – 2006 )
Eyvon is buried at the Fruitvale Memorial cemetery with her daughter
Fruitvale Memorial cemetery
Memorial tree, at the Fruitvale Memorial cemetery
Evidently not forgotten after all these years, impossible to forget such a tragic event for all concerned. The husband Claude Andrew Townsend,( 1922 – 1996 ) who appears to have used his middle name Andrew Townsend throughout his life, must have faced a huge uphill battle to take care of the remaining three children. The lady who is mentioned in the newspapers as being the first on the scene is Freda Margaret Anderson (unknown – unknown ) buried at the Fruitvale Memorial cemetery
Her husband: Elmer Roy Plested ( 1912 - 1992 ( a )-( b ) ) is also buried at the Fruitvale Memorial cemetery
Freda must have carried the horrible scene she found in her head for the rest of her life. Not helped by what the uncompassionate, incompetent bureaucracy did to her in her twilight years
Compassionate care can't be measured with money
The recent situation regarding seniors' health care is indeed tragic, as demonstrated in the case of Fanny and Alfred Albo, but definitely not unique. My neighbour, whose mother Freda Plested was a lifelong resident of the Trail area, also died after much stress because of her continued relocation. The stress on Freda and on her family was very evident. Frail adults cannot physically handle such anxieties.
It was a first-available-bed policy that was going to have Freda Plested moved from her home in Trail to Grand Forks. The family was so upset that they instead opted to pay $145 a day to have her cared for in a private facility near their home.
Rest in Peace
WorksafeBC fines the Forensic unit
WorkSafeBC fines psychiatric hospital
A WorksafeBC short report on the worst offense: Worker stabbed by patient during cooking activity
Dangerous place to work it appears; appalling that the bureaucrats running the place were not found partially responsible for not having in place the proper procedures. So now we have one government department, paying a $75,000 fine to another government department, using OUR money of course.
A WorksafeBC short report on the worst offense: Worker stabbed by patient during cooking activity
Dangerous place to work it appears; appalling that the bureaucrats running the place were not found partially responsible for not having in place the proper procedures. So now we have one government department, paying a $75,000 fine to another government department, using OUR money of course.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
The downfall
1978 April 25 The Citizen
Slavery act violated?
Anthony LeMay also claims that the prisoners should be paid the minimum wage. He is suing on his own behalf and on behalf of all other persons held in the institute at Colony Farm Road, Coquitlam, B.C. Defendants in the action are the Crown, the institute, and the executive director Dr. John P. Duffie.
The writ asks for a declaration that by forcing any of the plaintiffs to work, the defendants have "violated the Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British colonies; for promoting the industry of manumitted slaves; and for compensating the persons hitherto entitled to the services of such slaves ( 28th August, 1833 )."
Anthony Joseph LeMay was convicted on the 25th of June 1973 of being a common nuisance and mischief, and also insane , and sentenced to the Forensic Institute.
In 1978 he was released, but he violated his conditions by not taking his medications, and was brought back into the institution, they tried again to release him in 1979, and granted him another conditional discharge. And finally in September of 1983 he was granted an absolute discharge.
[ King William IV gave royal ascent to the act to abolish slavery in all dominions of the British Empire (except in territories of the east India Company, and the islands of Ceylon and Saint Helena). It came into effect on the 1st of August 1834, and this day became known as Emanicipation Day ]
I have no idea how the court case went, probably not very far.
But it did bring up the valid point of equal pay, for equal work. since the patients worked for very little, and working with them were highly paid staff.
It was the beginning of the end, soon the patients would not be working on the farm anymore, and everything was done by paid staff, which cascaded into a race to the bottom, and the eventual closure of the farming operations at Colony Farm.
As is detailed slightly more in the article below when the Government closed it down just four years later.
1983 August 8 The Citizen
Not long after this all kinds of ideas sprang up ; turn it into a golf course, a race track… another time.. another story
Friday, December 19, 2014
Old escapes
1974 December 19 The Citizen
The institution appears to have been having some serious security issues at this time.
Rodney Allen Kirkpatrick 1949 - 9 February 1984 Victoria, B.C. ), was killed 10 years later after being shot in the abdomen.
Michael John Shilling
Searching through the old newspapers I found this:

It appears rather silly and harmless for the patient, and raises the eternal question of how did he escape? That we may never know, he was only there a few months. But I dug deeper and found a rather sad story, as most of my researches into Essondale, Colony Farm usually do.

Michael "Mike" John Shilling, used his bother George Charles Shilling’s passport to go to Australia; unknown where he got the money to do so.
Michael’s parents were Raymond "Ray" Charles Shilling, and Sylvia Mae Barlow
Ray Charles Shilling was born 8th of May 1930 Toronto, Ontario; his parents were: Grace Eleanor Shilling, and Lavern Shilling (b.1904, Ohio) they were married on the 15th of September 1928. In 1943 the family immigrated to the U.S.A. Raymond Charles Shilling apparently was married to Mary ? on the 12th of December 1980 at Palm Beach, Florida; did not last very long, since a divorce was granted on the 1st of October 1981, at Palm Beach.
At least three brothers Gregory Charles Shilling mentioned above, also Mark Schilling and Derek Vern Shilling,( lives in Edmonton, Alberta ) and a sister Debbie Schilling.
Michael repeatedly stabbed his mother in the back at her home at 120-1870 McKenzie Avenue, Saanich, on her birthday.
Sylvia Mae Barlow ( 23rd of June 1934 – 23 June 1980 ) was a teacher at Camosun College, near Victoria, B.C. And was divorced at the time and was using her maiden name of Barlow. Sylvia's parents were William Barlow and Nina Barlow, both of England.
Michael was initially charged with 1st degree murder, and was later acquitted on the 10th of October 1980, after being found to be insane, and sent to the Forensic Institute.
Michael was eventually brought back to the Forensic Institute at Colony Farm, from Australia, and a few years later committed suicide by hanging himself.
Michael John Shilling ( Vancouver, B.C. 21 July 1958 – 30 December 1985 Coquitlam, B.C. )
Just another sad story
UPDATE: anonymous left some more information about the family. Thanx
1981 December 7 The Citizen ( A Prince George newspaper )
1981 December 1 The Montreal Gazette, tells slightly more of the story.
Michael’s parents were Raymond "Ray" Charles Shilling, and Sylvia Mae Barlow
Ray Charles Shilling was born 8th of May 1930 Toronto, Ontario; his parents were: Grace Eleanor Shilling, and Lavern Shilling (b.1904, Ohio) they were married on the 15th of September 1928. In 1943 the family immigrated to the U.S.A. Raymond Charles Shilling apparently was married to Mary ? on the 12th of December 1980 at Palm Beach, Florida; did not last very long, since a divorce was granted on the 1st of October 1981, at Palm Beach.
At least three brothers Gregory Charles Shilling mentioned above, also Mark Schilling and Derek Vern Shilling,( lives in Edmonton, Alberta ) and a sister Debbie Schilling.
Michael repeatedly stabbed his mother in the back at her home at 120-1870 McKenzie Avenue, Saanich, on her birthday.
Sylvia Mae Barlow ( 23rd of June 1934 – 23 June 1980 ) was a teacher at Camosun College, near Victoria, B.C. And was divorced at the time and was using her maiden name of Barlow. Sylvia's parents were William Barlow and Nina Barlow, both of England.
Michael was initially charged with 1st degree murder, and was later acquitted on the 10th of October 1980, after being found to be insane, and sent to the Forensic Institute.
Michael was eventually brought back to the Forensic Institute at Colony Farm, from Australia, and a few years later committed suicide by hanging himself.
Michael John Shilling ( Vancouver, B.C. 21 July 1958 – 30 December 1985 Coquitlam, B.C. )
Just another sad story
UPDATE: anonymous left some more information about the family. Thanx
Friday, August 01, 2014
Missing patient, Shane Metcalfe
Get one back at "Riverview" and lose another at Colony Farm.
Coquitlam RCMP search for missing Colony Farm patient
Coquitlam RCMP press release: Missing Patient Wanted on a Canada Wide Warrant - Shane Metcalfe
UPDATE: Apparently this fellow has been found.
Coquitlam RCMP search for missing Colony Farm patient
Coquitlam RCMP press release: Missing Patient Wanted on a Canada Wide Warrant - Shane Metcalfe
Shane Metcalfe ( undated photo )
UPDATE: Apparently this fellow has been found.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Jeffrey Edward Stuart, escaped from the Forensic unit
After a nice lull in escapes from this institution.
The Province: Man escapes from Coquitlam psychiatric hospital
Tri-City News: Man missing from Colony Farm
The Coquitlam RCMP: Unlawfully at Large - Jeffrey Edward Stuart
This fellow looks like he needs a wide berth, if the photo tells me anything.
UPDATE: This fellow is back safely in custody.
The Province: Man escapes from Coquitlam psychiatric hospital
Tri-City News: Man missing from Colony Farm
The Coquitlam RCMP: Unlawfully at Large - Jeffrey Edward Stuart
This fellow looks like he needs a wide berth, if the photo tells me anything.
UPDATE: This fellow is back safely in custody.
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