Regional Parks Plan, draft ( 1.08 Mb, PDF )
They want some Feedback from the above document, Give it to them !
As usual the feedback form is very poorly constructed.
Vancouver Sun article: Colony Farm agricultural academy plan goes to committee despite objections
Tri-City News: Planned academy at Colony Farm advances
Yikes ! A done deal, it appears; 5 Million of OUR dollars; those are some heavily subsidized vegetables.!
The best land of the farm is now mostly alienated by the Lougheed Highway corridor, and Riverview Hospitals arboretum. I have the detailed records of production and costs associated with Colony Farm/ Riverview growing years; and they never could have got the production that they sometimes achieved without the almost free, Huge patient labour pool. The high production came at a cost; they were using herbicides; pesticides, and there are well-documented records of pesticide resistant insect pests because of it.
Download the draft Colony Farm Sustainability Plan (published way back in August, 2009)
I guess that there must be a Final report somewhere that the bureaucrats based their decisions on; or maybe not.
The September 13, 2011, Agenda where they voted it as a go.
And another draft plan, labelled with the cryptic Attachment_4