Notice of Open House
Colony Farm Tidal Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Project
Metro Vancouver Regional Parks and the Transportation Investment Corporation invite you to attend an open house on Monday, May 3 to view and comment on a proposed project to restore tidal flow and enhance habitat for fish and wildlife in the Wilson Farm, an area within Colony Farm Regional Park that was drained and diked for agriculture in the early 1900s. This work is proposed as part of Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project’s environmental commitments.
The project has been designed to meet multiple objectives including: the restoration of natural tidal flows to improve water quality; the provision of winter rearing habitat for juvenile coho and chinook; greater control and flexibility of drainage regimes for vegetation management; and enhanced habitat for resident and migratory birds.
The open house will provide information on:
· Existing conditions and project objectives
· Proposed work required to restore tidal flows and allow fish passage
· Drainage improvements and the implications for park management
· Potential benefits for salmon and other aquatic wildlife
· Habitat enhancement components for resident and migratory birds
When: Monday, May 3, 2010
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Informal open house
7:00 – 7:20 p.m. Presentation
7:20 – 8:00 p.m. Question and answer session
Where: The Outlet, 2100 - 2253 Leigh Square Place, Port Coquitlam
For more information, contact Metro Vancouver Parks at 604-520-6442.